Time Management & Organizational Skills by Dr. Mohamad Azmi Nias Ahmad at Dewan Kuliah 1

What Is Time?
Albert Einstein describe time as a stubborn illusion.

Definition of Time

  • Noun - the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future.
  • Verb - plan, schedule or arrange when (something) should happen or be done.

Time Management

Definition of Time Management
The ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.

The Importance of Time

Five Strategies (study system)
To become an excellent student, you must have a strategy to make sure your day went well. I will share a few strategies to make your study more easy.

1. Use a weekly schedule

this is an example for weekly schedule

2. Use the Daily Planner

this is an example for daily schedule

3. Use the Semester Calendar

this is an example of semester calendar

4. Academic Vs Personal Life

As a student, we should be wise in managing time and to differentiate important and unimportant things. By doing that, our time will not be wasted by doing something that is not imported. When all of our important tasks are done, we willl have plenty of time to do our unimportant things. Last but not least, we have to prioritized academic matters than the personal life matters.

5. Avoid procrastination

Definition of Procrastination
Procrastination is the act of puffing off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.

What is Procrastination?
  • Psychological behavior that allows a person to postpone or delay a certain activity or task.
  • Source of great stress and anxiety for many people.
Reason of Procrastination
  1. Perfectionist
  2. Avoild Failure
  3. Avoid Success
  4. Being Rebellious
  5. Feeling overwhelmed
  6. Lazy
  1. Go back to your goal
  2. Alert to deadline
  3. Prioritized
  4. Self rewards
Advantage of Being Organized
  1. Keep on schedule and meet deadline.
  2. Reduce stress (us in control)
  3. Complete work without stress.
  4. Build your confidence.

How To Manage Time?
  • Use time management tools


Time Management Tips

Here is some useful tips that can be use in our daily life to make sure our day went well and organized.

  1. Plan for rewards
  2. Do the most unpleasant tasks first.
  3. Learn to say no.
  4. Plan for change (invovle others and ask for help if needed)
  5. If you are too busy, ask yourself "What is essential?"
  6. When you are too indecisive or unsure, remember that you can rarely be 100 percent sure.
  7. Waiting is inevitable, plan for it.
  8. Let someone else do when possible (delegate).
  9. Finish fully. It leaves you energized and motivated.
  10. Do one thing at a time.
  11. Let others make the smaller decisions.
  12. Model, ask and observe.
  13. Planning for one minute saves four or five minutes in the execution of a task.
  14. Once you have found the extra time, enjoy it!


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